Thursday 14 April 2016

Traditional photographic processes

3. A blog post which explains the traditional photographic processes.

Tradition photograph is photographic processing or development is the chemical means by which photographic film or paper is treated after photographic exposure to produce a negative or positive image. photographic processing is transforms the latent images into a visible image, makes this permanent and renders it insensitive to light.


Negative is an image, usually on a strip or sheet of transparent plastic film, in which the lightest areas of the photographed subject appear darkest and the darkest areas appear lightest. 

This reversed order occurs because of the extremely light sensitive chemicals a camera film must use to capture an image quickly enough for ordinary picture taking, which are darkened, rather than bleached, by exposure to light and subsequent photographic processing.  


An enlarger is a specialised transparency projector used to produce photographic prints from film or glass negatives or from transparencies apparatus for enlarging or reducing the negatives or positive.


In the processing of photographic films plates or papers the photographic developer is one or more chemicals that convert the latent image to a visible image.


Stop is a chemical bath that is usually used in processing traditional black and white photographic films plates and paper used after the material has finished developing. The purpose of the stop is to halt the development of the film.

Photographic fixer is a mix of chemicals used in the final step in the photographic processing of film or paper. The fixer stabilises the image, removing the unexposed silver halide remaining on the photographic film or photographic.


photographic printing is the process of producing a final image on paper for viewing, using chemically sensitized paper. The paper is exposed to a photographic negative and positive transparency. A digital image file projected using an enlarger or digital exposure until such as a lightjet printer.

The developer processing 

Steps of the developer trays 

The negative image sheet

Fixer chemical

Enlarger photography 


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