Friday 15 April 2016


Taking on board other people opinions write an evaluation (1000 words) or give presentation critically evaluating your work. 

The comment that i have being giving on my photographic was great, the way i manipulated the images for example the angles that i used to take my photography by demonstrating the landscape of the outdoor life and creating mood for the audience.

The lighting was really because the day i went out to shoot my photography was sunny, and that was great but my weakness on the project was that some of the photos that i have took were blurred..

I tried to consider movement objects e.g. birds, and also grass blowing by the wind but it appeared to be blur some of the object because of the lighting.
Certain of the images that i have taking were interesting, it shows the background objects and things happening in the background.

Weakness was blur objects i used adobe photoshop to work on some of the photos that i taken to make it stand out more clear smart filter and also auto tone tools for the object become more brightness and to adjustment some of the objects tone, adjust the exposure until the image appears to have the right brightness.

example of the images:

I have choose the landscape photography images because it will fit well to the magazine project.
I really was aiming for the smoke art photography because that would be an interesting project to work towards because it will create a mood and that would be creative. The smoke art was part of risk assessment because that can't be done in the stuido but vaper was an great idea to use without a risk or fire alarm.

Lighting graffiti was an idea for me to use for my final project but didn't really had an idea to use for my lighting graffiti, landscape was straight forward project to work towards either in a bad condition weather or good. I have never worked or taken landscape photography images before so i thought of taking images that can attract people and amaze them. The images could be used for phones or wallpapers background page that will inspire others of the beautiful nature around them.

Lighting techniques can be used for landscape during the night or the golden hours and an hour or so just before are the best times of the day for capturing beautiful landscape shots with spectacularly colourful skies. The best capturing is moody vibrant skies just as the sun rises or sets. My aim was to capture a wide angle objects with the widest length to show moving objects and background. My key for the project was to show all the objects in a widest angle and clear. I positioned myself in a spot in relation of the sun that ideas the eye into the image.

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