Friday 15 April 2016

Create a detailed mind map that shows at least 5 ideas for your final photography project.

Create a detailed mind map that shows at least 5 ideas for your final photography project.

1. The water drop fall through a small hole, then by getting a good capture the resulting the splash.

2. I thought of smoke photography to create shapes for combining a range of shapes of smoke shots into a new picture that could be used for art photography.

3. Landscape my idea for the landscape was to take few create images of building grass and tress. 
Capturing the weather and the landscaping e.g. night time landscape and rainy weather, to create a mood for the audeince, landscape are also used for background images for phones and pc etc.

4. Car park abstract an outdoor photography project, textures, colours and shapes 

5. Indoor splash shots by dropping the object into water and fire the shutter as it hits, to create a indoor splash shot by using flash to capture the water dripping down, the object will create a splash into the water. 

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