Thursday 21 May 2015

Final Hands Stop Motion Animation.

Final Animation Evaluation

Our final animation we created a claymation animation. We choice this type of animation because we thought it would attract the audience. The technique was used is hand animation, stop motion made everything easy it to create by shooting every frame. By using hand animation to make things disappear we called that the magic hand.

The hand animation is doing it all by pretending to draw shapes, and cleaning the mess by covering the shapes and it disappear. Keiran and myself came up with this to make it creative for the audience. Morph animation project helped us a lot to come up with our final claymation animation.

Stop motion animation also called stop frame animation is animation that is captured one frame at time, with physical object for e.g. the project we were working on the final animation, Stop motion helped us to move between frames. When you play back the sequence of images rapidly, it creates the illusion of movement and create mood for the audience.

The basic process of our animation involves taking a photo frame of our object or character, moving them slightly on each shot frame, and when you play back the images consecutively, the object appear to move on their own. We rushed the project but we came up with a creative idea to support the claymation animation

Feedback the magic hand is a cool great idea, he liked the way we came up with the idea “hand animation” it shows how creative its and the research we worked on.

The video was very creative it showed the group knew what they where doing, you can see the effort they put into the stop motion at the time it took them to film and edit it. Over all it was very good but for improvement they should move faster to the background lighting would stay the same.
