Monday 23 March 2015

600 Words Lucozade Sport Drink Evaluation

 Lucozade Sport Drink Advert Evaluation

I started with my research by looking at different sports adverts and how to make my advert look different to the professional one. I looked at different sport drinks and I thought Lucozade sport  was the best one because a lot of teenagers and adult workout, also Lucozade offers the best recovery for them. The research I done helped me to think of the idea and the difference shots that I could include on my advert. I drew some storyboards for my advert, which was detailed a young adult training his basketball skills, the storyboard also showed him taking some shots which I followed step by step. The advert shows me trying to improve my shots on the hoop and work on my game, I used voice over to motivate the audience particularly people that exercise a lot, the ending of the advert shows the product Lucozade sport drink and ball rolling toward the camera.

Our advert was about Lucozade Sport Drink and was aimed at people who are interested in fitness, we tried to refresh the audiences memory of what the advert was about at times which is especially clear with the last shot used that places the product next to me. Overall it was great advert. The voice over was 30 seconds long it is initially but the voice over was slightly too short and when the music switched it was slightly disjointed, quickly moving from one to another.In the future i would look to  fade the voice over in to the next song which would give the advert a more fluid and smooth experience for the audience. The location was obvious because we started using the changing room for a warm up and working out which some sport people do workout before getting started, this set the tempo of the advert adding a motivational quality. Working out and getting warmed up is important part before you’re game. We used the changing room instead of the gym because we had a problem accessing to the gym although this was not part of our initial idea this worked well and we managed to get good shots for our advert to make it look more professional. The voice over would of been great if I slowed it down and used it for the whole duration of the advert. I used the voice over to motivate the audience. The length of my advert was two minute longer compare to professional TV advert. I could improve the advert by cutting the length of each shot used making each part five seconds or less to make the advert shorter and more entertaining for the audience.

The link above is similar to my advert because it makes use of a workout and also displays how Lucozade helps the body to stay active for long period of time replacing 'electrolytes' lost. The benefit of Lucozade it gives the customer’s energy and recovering from sports day to day activates. The drink can be used before, during and after physical activity.
The benefits of the Lucozade sport drinks is that it provides energy from sugars which helps too improve performance and endurance. The difference between my advert and the professional advert was the way in which Lucozade is promoted as they tested Lucozade against water to see which one increased recovery more quickly and it is made clear that Lucozade is more effective at this then water. In my advert I used Lucozade and a voice over to motivate the audience. I had to make my advert look completely different. The advert i made was effective at communicating with the products chosen target audience which i feel it was successful at because my focus was on sport which was easy to produce. Getting access to the basketball court enabled us to choose what sport to focus on in the advert which could also have of been football, basketball or any other sport that include a workout for the product sport drink, however with my own skills as a basketball player this choice was easy by me. The target audience for the product was teenagers and adult to encourage people to exercise more and motivate the audience into becoming more active and using the product as part of this active lifestyle we tried to portray. I chose the product because sport is something i am interested in and the idea of the product being linked with helping people participate in sport and perform better, aiding recovery and encouraging people to exercise more made me more interested in using Lucozade sport in my advert.