Thursday 5 November 2015


In Shutter priority Mode is a technique called panning. Panning is done by moving the camera from one side to the other, resulting in images that show motion. To pan successfully, you have to slow down shutter speed to a value lower than the inverse of your focal length. When you have a shot like this where the most important element that produces the shot is the shutter speed, you need to use shutter priority mode it just makes things simpler because you can adjust using just one dial, freeing you up to compose and make other creative decisions.
To do panning successfully, i have to slow down the camera. Set ISO to the lowest possible. 
Setting used for this shoot: 

Use Manual Focus
ISO: 200
Shutter Speed: 1/20 

Thursday 21 May 2015

Final Hands Stop Motion Animation.

Final Animation Evaluation

Our final animation we created a claymation animation. We choice this type of animation because we thought it would attract the audience. The technique was used is hand animation, stop motion made everything easy it to create by shooting every frame. By using hand animation to make things disappear we called that the magic hand.

The hand animation is doing it all by pretending to draw shapes, and cleaning the mess by covering the shapes and it disappear. Keiran and myself came up with this to make it creative for the audience. Morph animation project helped us a lot to come up with our final claymation animation.

Stop motion animation also called stop frame animation is animation that is captured one frame at time, with physical object for e.g. the project we were working on the final animation, Stop motion helped us to move between frames. When you play back the sequence of images rapidly, it creates the illusion of movement and create mood for the audience.

The basic process of our animation involves taking a photo frame of our object or character, moving them slightly on each shot frame, and when you play back the images consecutively, the object appear to move on their own. We rushed the project but we came up with a creative idea to support the claymation animation

Feedback the magic hand is a cool great idea, he liked the way we came up with the idea “hand animation” it shows how creative its and the research we worked on.

The video was very creative it showed the group knew what they where doing, you can see the effort they put into the stop motion at the time it took them to film and edit it. Over all it was very good but for improvement they should move faster to the background lighting would stay the same.


Thursday 16 April 2015

Animation Timeline

Morph IStopMotion 

Parasyte is about 17 years old teen named shinichi who lives with his parents
in a quiet neighbourhood in Tokyo. Parasyte is a body horror, science fiction.  Migi is the parasite which lives in Shinichi hand. Migi has no desire to kill human for sustenance, and is nourished by the food Shinichi eats. Migi is like other parastye, completely without emotion. one night, worm like creatures called parasites appear on Earth, taking over the brains of humans hosts by entering through  their ears or noses. one parasite attempts to crawl into Shinichi's ear while he sleeps but fails as Shinichi is wearing headphones, and enters his body by burrowing into his arm instead.

Zoetropes Animation

The Zoetrope was invented in 1834 by William Horner, who called it a "daedalum" or "daedatelum" meaning wheel of the devil. The faster the rate of spin, the smoother the progression of the images. a viewer can look through the wall of the zoetrope from any point around it. A zoetrope is bit like a cinema because cinema use zoetrope on a larger scale the side of the zoetrope act like shutter on a cinema projector and it shows each frame the action of the frame. My zoetrope was ball bouncing getting creative with the zoetrope can get fun by drawing different characters on each frame. I had to draw a ball bouncing by separating them in the eleven frames. Zoetrope helps the drawing transform into something else by spinning the zoetrope faster it could go smoother with the drawing and can tell a story.

The strength about this project zoetrope can help by getting more creative with the key framing and its pretty simple. The zoetrope was invented in 1834 it was quite exiting because it was one of the first devices to create moving images which i found it fun too. A zoetrope is like a mini cinema. it is like a drum with slits going all the way round, you can insert a paper strip with animated drawing on. when the device is spun and the viewer looks through the slits an illusion of movement is created. The faster you spin the drum the smoother the movement of the images will look which is exiting.
E.g. of images of frames i created i create a ball bouncing on the Zoetrope, it moves really smooth specially if the shapes inside the frames are bigger the smoother the movement of the images inside the frames will look exiting.

Eadweard Muybridge was born on April 9 1830. Eadweard Muybridge was an English photographer important for his pioneering work in photographic studies of motion, and early work in motion picture projection.

Eadweard Muybridge photography of moving animals captured movement in a way that had never been done before. His work was used by both scientists and artists. At the age twenty, he immigrated to america , first to New York working as bookseller and then to san francisco where he acquired an interest in photography in 1855. At this time, he changed his surname to Muybridge.

Starewicz began making 3-d stop motion animated films puppet films, as he called them in 1910 and continued creating the until his death. His films, although emotionally aimed at children are what we today would deem because of the often protesque characters and situations..

Starewicz had become a master animator by 1933, incorporating techniques neverused before and rarely since such as moving the puppets during the actual exposure to create blurring for fast movement. His use of rear screen projection is also surprisingly effective.
His most recognised work "The Mascot" was one of the later produced animation films in the 1933. A story about toy dog that comes to live, that tries to obtain an orange for his owner. just like every other character, the toy dog is portrayed in a very human like manner, allowing the audience to freely relate to the character through its expression and emotions.
Patrick “Pat” Peter Sullivan was born on the 22nd February 1885 was born in Paddington, Sydney, Australia. He is the second son of Patrick Sullivan (Cab proprietor) originally from Ireland and his wife Margaret who was born in Sydney. He then left for the US around 1910 after spending months in London. He then worked as an assistant to William Marriner (Newspaper cartoonist) and decided to draw four strips of his own.

Felix the Cat was the Mickey Mouse of its time. He was created in the silent film era and was the first character from animation to attain a level of popularity sufficient to draw movie audiences. Felix became a mascot, a pop culture icon and and even became more popular than  most movie stars and world leaders of the same era. His popularity then lead to merchandise sold all around the globe.

The strength of Felix the cat:  
Felix the Cat became more popular than world leaders.. That’s a huge achievement, especially around that time
Animal Friendly
Voted in TV Guide’s 50 greatest cartoon characters of all time, ranking #28
Age appropriate
One of the first cartoons to go from silent films to colour
Winsor McCay was born in 1867 in Canada. McCay had an interest in drawing from the moment he could hold a pen. His father was a real estate agent and encouraged him to become a businessman. unknown to his parents, he worked as portrait artist in a a "dime museum" in Detroit while attending business college. "Dime Museums" were popular forms of entertainment in the 1800s where patrons could view carnival type acts and oddities including "freak shows" and other forms of entertainment.
McCay left school at the age of 21 and went to work at the national printing Company of Chicago. Here, he illustrated posters for circuses and other promotions. after two years he moved to Chincinnati, creating advertising posters for the Kohl and Middleton Dime Museum. He began to create quite a name for himself as a very talented artist.

Richard Oliver Postgate born 12 April 1925was an English animator, puppeteer and qritwe. he was the creator and writer of some Britain's most popular children's television programmes. Ping wings, Pogles'wood, Noggin the Nog, Ivor the Engine, Clangers and Bagpuss. They all were shown on the BBC between the 1950s and the 1980s, and on ITV from 1959 to the present day. in a 1999 BBC poll Bagpuss was voted the most popular children's television programme of all time.

Bagpuss was created in the 1970s by Smallfilms, a television company run by peter Firmin and Oliver Postgate. 

Pixar Animation Studios is an American computer animation film studio based in Emeryville, California. The studio is best known as CGI animation.  Pixar began in 1979vas the graphics Group, its own implementation of the indursty of the images  its used to generate high quality images.

First computer animations trow 

computer animations can be created with a computer and animations software. Some impressive can be 

Monday 23 March 2015

600 Words Lucozade Sport Drink Evaluation

 Lucozade Sport Drink Advert Evaluation

I started with my research by looking at different sports adverts and how to make my advert look different to the professional one. I looked at different sport drinks and I thought Lucozade sport  was the best one because a lot of teenagers and adult workout, also Lucozade offers the best recovery for them. The research I done helped me to think of the idea and the difference shots that I could include on my advert. I drew some storyboards for my advert, which was detailed a young adult training his basketball skills, the storyboard also showed him taking some shots which I followed step by step. The advert shows me trying to improve my shots on the hoop and work on my game, I used voice over to motivate the audience particularly people that exercise a lot, the ending of the advert shows the product Lucozade sport drink and ball rolling toward the camera.

Our advert was about Lucozade Sport Drink and was aimed at people who are interested in fitness, we tried to refresh the audiences memory of what the advert was about at times which is especially clear with the last shot used that places the product next to me. Overall it was great advert. The voice over was 30 seconds long it is initially but the voice over was slightly too short and when the music switched it was slightly disjointed, quickly moving from one to another.In the future i would look to  fade the voice over in to the next song which would give the advert a more fluid and smooth experience for the audience. The location was obvious because we started using the changing room for a warm up and working out which some sport people do workout before getting started, this set the tempo of the advert adding a motivational quality. Working out and getting warmed up is important part before you’re game. We used the changing room instead of the gym because we had a problem accessing to the gym although this was not part of our initial idea this worked well and we managed to get good shots for our advert to make it look more professional. The voice over would of been great if I slowed it down and used it for the whole duration of the advert. I used the voice over to motivate the audience. The length of my advert was two minute longer compare to professional TV advert. I could improve the advert by cutting the length of each shot used making each part five seconds or less to make the advert shorter and more entertaining for the audience.

The link above is similar to my advert because it makes use of a workout and also displays how Lucozade helps the body to stay active for long period of time replacing 'electrolytes' lost. The benefit of Lucozade it gives the customer’s energy and recovering from sports day to day activates. The drink can be used before, during and after physical activity.
The benefits of the Lucozade sport drinks is that it provides energy from sugars which helps too improve performance and endurance. The difference between my advert and the professional advert was the way in which Lucozade is promoted as they tested Lucozade against water to see which one increased recovery more quickly and it is made clear that Lucozade is more effective at this then water. In my advert I used Lucozade and a voice over to motivate the audience. I had to make my advert look completely different. The advert i made was effective at communicating with the products chosen target audience which i feel it was successful at because my focus was on sport which was easy to produce. Getting access to the basketball court enabled us to choose what sport to focus on in the advert which could also have of been football, basketball or any other sport that include a workout for the product sport drink, however with my own skills as a basketball player this choice was easy by me. The target audience for the product was teenagers and adult to encourage people to exercise more and motivate the audience into becoming more active and using the product as part of this active lifestyle we tried to portray. I chose the product because sport is something i am interested in and the idea of the product being linked with helping people participate in sport and perform better, aiding recovery and encouraging people to exercise more made me more interested in using Lucozade sport in my advert.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Advertising workbook


Task 1

Explain what TV advertising is?

TV advertisements is ability to make connections with the audience through advert. TV advertising uses audio and video to make consumers listen and make connection with them rough their adverts.

2. view three different contemporary TV adverts and list three key characteristic of them: 

  • John Lewis Christmas Advert 2014  Monty The Penguin  
This advert tells the story of a little boy, and his best friend, Monty the penguin. this is a tale of friendship, love and giving someone the gift they've been dreaming of this Christmas

  • Three Sing Kitty cat advert   
 Starring The Girl the Singing Cat and a whole load of silly stuff.
  • John Lewis Christmas Advert 2013  The Bear & The Hare  
John Lewis Christmas TV advert and see Hare give his best friend Bear a Christmas he'll never forget. Poor Bear is the only animal that never gets to celebrate Christmas because he has to hibernate every year.

TASK 2 ( 30.1.2)
Advertisers use a variety of techniques to get us to buy goods or services. Some of them are listed below. Can you fill in the gaps and find an example of an advert which fits the persuasive technique used?
Type of persuasive technique
Link to an advert which uses this technique
The Anecdote: Personal experience or story which is sold to us as proof.
Adjectives: Crisp, fresh, healthy, nutritious, etc
Repetition: Key points, positives about the product, themes etc
Statistics: Often presented as factually accurate but sometimes they are a bit dubious.
Fact: A statement that is true and can be          proven.

TASK 3 (30.1.3)

View this old television adverts:  and this contemporary TV toothpaste advertisement, Complete the Venn diagram below, What are the similarities and differences between this advert and contemporary toothpaste adverts?

  • Old advert
Black and white advert
Old advert didn't have any technology compare to the new one
They used chart also pictures 

slow paced 
stop motion

  • New advert
colourful advert

The technology used in this advert can show if you got bacteria in your mouth
time laps
The new advert had used a random lady of the street to try product

both adverts

both used bar charts to show the information
both advert used dentist
advert had females to promote the ad even more because female are the ones that do the shopping
both used sound effect at the background

TASK 4 ( 30.1.4)

According to Gillian Dyer (Advertising as Communication, Routledge 1988) advertisers use among other techniques, the following lines of appeal. They use images of, or make reference to things to tap into our desires or fears. View the Powerpoint called Lines of Appeal which is available on Moodle.

Analyse three different TV adverts and state which persuasive skills and lines of appeal have been used:

Product Name: Best Advertisement ever-Winner of Best Ad 2014
Persuasive techniques: emotion, happiness,   
Product USP

Advert 2
Product Name: Comedy and humour 

persuasive techniques: Entertaining audience 
Product USP

Advert 3
Product Name: Happy families                         
Persuasive techniques: Coca Cola Christmas truck in real life at festive events nationwide. To bring people together. Happiness
Product USP

TASK 5 (label this on your blog as 30.1.5)


Audience Demographics

One of the most common ways of identifying a target audience is the socio-economic model.  Although this model has been in use for a very long time, it is still a useful tool in identifying a target audience. The basis for this system is level of earnings.  An AB audience, for example, is assumed to have more spending power than a CDE audience. 

Lawyers, doctors, scientists, managers of large-scale organisations – well paid professionals
Teachers, senior managers, some middle management – fairly well paid professionals (and very poorly paid teachers!)
‘White collar’, junior management, bank clerks, nurses
Skilled ‘blue collar’ workers such as electricians, plumbers, carpenters
Semi and unskilled manual workers such as drivers, post sorters
Students, the unemployed, pensioners

Audience profiling

There are many other ways that an audience can be segmented or profiled.  Whenever a TV advertiser is producing a commercial, they will always take care to identify the target audience as accurately as possible.  After all, if the audience is identified and targeted well, the product is likely to be successful!  That is why audience is considered a key consideration – because it is fundamental to the planning and shaping of an advertisement.

Audiences can be segmented in other ways as well as the socio-economic model above:
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Demographic (where the audience live)
  • Profiling (this is often done by advertisers to identify ‘types’ of consumers)
  • Values, attitudes and lifestyles (in other words the types of products which are likely to appeal to those with these values, attitudes and lifestyles.

Watch a series of adverts and identify as accurately as possible the target audience for each, provide a link and give explanations to back up your conclusions about why the advert appeals to the specific demographic.

Iceland christmas TV Ad 2014 peter Andre. Peter Andre picks out his favourite Christmas Desserts from Iceland's two woman's were attracted by him because he is hand some but he was talking about the product while their were trying to talk to him. The age for the audience for this advert is 40-65. The gender for this advert is woman i guess because of the two woman's that were in the Ad for e.g. the first one is about 40 something and the blond one which is the second one is about 30. However the gender for this Ad was promoted for woman, because woman do the shopping. The social economic i would say is B on the table because of the price that was mentioned in the advert which is £4 which is cheap for the audience to shop from iceland. The demographic for this advert is urban areas because iceland is located in urban areas were the population is high.

Get set for advent with the new Argos Christmas advert 2014 it shows a young girl dancing and a kid playing with toys also a old person that is happy for christmas sitting next to his dog. This Ad is much better then 2013 one before because Argos Christmas Ad 2013 used aliens but the 2014 was used to show their products to the audience e.g. headphones toys for children and other stuff. The target age for this Ad is for 8-30 because of the stuff that has been showed up e.g. headphones TV, PS4 light housing toys for children also christmas gifts for old people. The social economic for this i would say is A,B, C1  on the table because some of the Argos products that is showing are not cheap. The demographic that is used for this advert is an urban area is a were located  by high human population density.

Argos Christmas advert 2014:

Argos Christmas advert 2013:

New snickers TV Ad where Mr bean demonstrates that you're not kung Fu when you're hungry. It shows that Mr bean couldn't do anything right even that they trained him well because he didn't had a snicker before the mission. The age for snickers Ad is between 14-25 because usually kids eat snickers chocolate also adult from 25 and under, there's few that eat snickers above the age 25 but not as much as kids. This advert used Mr bean because he's a funny character for kids and adult were it can be entertaining as well. The gender for this Ad i think is both males and females but mostly males because men are more interested in kung Fu than woman. The economic that is used for this Ad goes for E because students enjoy buying snickers a lot and advert is properly made for them. The demographic for this is everywhere because snickers usually sold everywhere.

TASK 6 (label this on your blog as 30.1.6)

THE REGULATORS: (Video Cast to be uploaded to your blog). Use the ASA website to help you answer these questions. 

Answer the following questions in a videocast:
1.     Explain who regulates TV advertising in the UK?
Advertising regulation refers to the laws and rules defining the ways in which products can be advertised in a particular region. 

2.     Explain the process of how to complain about a TV advert which you thought was offensive in some way. To complain about an offensive ad using ASA website which is advertising standards authority. The UK independent regulator for advertising across all media. 
     By clicking on (Make a complaint) on consumers and then your complaint will be treated as a cross border complaint and you submit your complaint. 

3.     Watch this controversial advert:  

 Explain what happens in the video. 
A TV ad for children's charity Barnardo's featuring a girl being repeatedly hit about the head by her father, it shows how a lifetime of abuse leads a young girl into a cycle of drugs, jail and poverty. In the first scene the girl is seen mugging someone, the second shows her dishevelled and crying in a cell, while in the third she receives a brutal smack on the back of her head from her father. The fourth scene shows the girl unable to focus at school and in the final scene she is seen shooting up drugs.
5.     Explain why this advert could be banned? 

This ad must be banned because it shows how children are getting abused by a charity also many complained about it which is right. Showing this to children can effect them. It says "For thousands of children in the UK, the story will keep repeating itself until someone stops it". 
6.     Explain why this advert shouldn’t be banned?
I think this advert shouldn't be banned because children see more violence then Distressing Barnardo's ad but some parents found this ad distressing and too violence to be showing on TV because it could effect some children it's too violence to use for an advert.  

7.     Carry out some internet research and find out why this advert was banned.

This advert was banned because it was distressing to watch for some parents it was shocking and many have complained about it for child abuse which is wrong to be showing in TV. They should be transmitted after 9pm only to reduce the likelihood of children seeing them because of the scenes involving violence and drugs use. 

8.     Do you think the regulators were right to ban this advert. Back up your argument with clear points. 

I think they have the right to ban Break the cycle Barnardo's charity ad because violence and drug taking were distressing to watch it's not suitable to be showing for children. That speed up to dramatise the cyclical nature of abuse. Drugs showing on TV as an advert can be shocking for children i think the regulators were right to ban this advert.